Our strategy
The Giving Tree Foundation provides bursaries for children with ASD aged 3 to 5 years old in the areas of London* and Birmingham for a year’s of intensive Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA) therapy through the UK Young Autism Project (UK-YAP). The bursaries are designed to help not only children through the application of ABA, but to educate, empower and train at least one parent on how ABA needs to be integrated in all aspects of the child’s life.
We provide parent and family support groups in the areas of London and Birmingham, through this creating a safe space where people can be educated on autism and ABA.
The Giving Tree Foundation promotes education and evidence-based information about autism through the Foundation’s website and social media outlets.
The Giving Tree Foundation advocates for ABA and the importance of early intervention by speaking in Parliament and working on improving health and education policies in the UK.
*Whether The Giving Tree Foundation can help your area is subject to UK YAP availability. For more information please email: bursaries@thegivingtreefoundation.co.uk